Monday, August 23, 2010

Too Much Fun!

On August 11th we took a little trip to Lake Powell with our good friends Trevor and Kim and stayed until sunday the 15th . It was just the four of us and we had the best time ever! We did alot of wakeboarding, tubing, kneeboarding and skiing (Kim).. We also laughed a ton and made memories that none of us will ever forget! We are hoping to make it A yearly traditon. Thanks guys for such a great time.

Kim skiing

Having our craft hour. Kim tought me how to make hemp bracelets, they where so much fun to make.

Just chillin


Having so much fun..

Rainbow Bridge. This is amazing.. so so so glad we went!

On the way to our destination.. This guy is cute!!


Claudine said...

How come there are photos of you wake boarding??? Just kidding!!! That looks so much fun....reminds me of about 25 years ago when we were alot younger. We had so much fun. The bracelets are darling. Glad you didn't waste any time and kept busy every minute, even doing crafts. You do have a good looking hubby.....he looks so thin and nice. So do you.. Thanks for sharing.

Rex and Paula said...

OH! that does look like soo much fun. i have never been to powell..have to go sometime. you are so right, you made soe memories you will never forget. good for you guys!