Monday, February 1, 2010

Sombody thinks She's so smart!

When I was growing up we had a dog named Maynerd. Maynerd was always a little socially awkward, I mean what dog wouldn't be with that name right? Anyways, when he got into his old age he would wedge his little body underneath the couch and not come out. This usually happened when he would hear us getting ready to leave the house and he didn't want to have to go outside.. It was totally annoying because you would have to lift the couch to get him out. Well eventually he died and that was forgotten about until the other day. ZeeZee (my dog) who will soon be turning 8 years old (im not sure what that is in dog years) figured out the same trick. What is it with family pets? You love them so much but at the same time they drive you insane!!!

Wedged under the couch! She thinks she is so smart..


Claire said...

That is what Max Does!!
Under the Bed!!
Terry thinks ZEEZEE is around 55 or 60..He had read something about
dog ages.dersor

Clark Family said...

Aren't dogs the just got to love them.